You might have already spotted some changes in Bids by Badger's interface. We've been hard at work upgrading the system to enhance your experience. You'll notice that the Target ACOS button and Bid Limit specific popups are no longer present. But fear not, because these functionalities have found a new home under Bid Optimization. 

This transition brings with it an added bonus – you now have the flexibility of optional controls at your fingertips. You still have the amazing feature of bulk action but you may have noticed something a little different. Let's say you want to choose campaigns that have a mix of BBB in various on and off statuses. You'll notice this warning message:

Our fantastic new feature prompts you to set your ACOS before activating BBB. This extra layer of protection offers you added peace of mind. We understand that dealing with prompts can sometimes be a bit of a hassle, but rest assured, it's all in the name of ensuring your campaigns run seamlessly. 

If you choose campaigns that are already on you'll notice the warning message is gone, and the checkboxes are no longer greyed out:

If you want to change Target ACOS you'll now choose this box:

You've got flexibility in your hands! You can mix and match the settings you wish to modify. Just give that checkbox a quick tick and you're good to go!

If you happen to choose campaigns with different target ACOS, you'll now see the "Mixed" message:

Rest assured, no need to fret – consider it a friendly heads-up from us. Our aim is to keep you fully in the loop at every juncture.

We hope you enjoy the new facets of BBB, but if you ever need any assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at