Here are the steps to sync your Amazon account to Ad Badger's software. We ensure that security is maintained throughout the process.

1. How to Add Your Amazon Account to Ad Badger:

Navigate to the Settings menu in the Ad Badger software.

Connect your Amazon Account in the "My Stores, All Advertising Accounts" section of your software settings. The correct account to connect is the account you use to log into the Amazon Advertising Marketplace to access your store(s).

To add your account, click on the button "Connect New Account" and follow the steps.

Agencies: If you use multiple seller accounts to access clients, you can add each of them using "Connect New Account".

Then name the account whatever you want. This is for easy recognition within the software and it will not change the name of the account in Amazon.

Select the region of your marketplaces. Your account is region-specific with Amazon. They are:

  • North America: Canada, USA, Mexico
  • Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, Japan 

Once you have named the account and clicked on the correct region a login window will appear on your screen.

Sign in to your amazon account.

Then, Click "Allow"

2. How to Add Your Store and Marketplace

Click on "All Stores", then click "Connect Marketplace"

Select the Advertising account that you connected in Step 1

Then, choose the checkbox in front of the store that you wish to connect to Ad Badger and click "Connect Marketplace"

You do not need to connect your store separately from your marketplace

When your marketplace is added, you will see it listed along with the following: the flag of the country associated with the marketplace, the last time this marketplace data was synced with Ad Badger, and any available actions.

Please note: It may take several hours to fully sync your marketplace for the first time depending on the size of the marketplace.

Voila! If you've completed these steps, Ad Badger is now added to your Amazon Account, Store, and Marketplace.

1. You can change the name of your Store to anything you want for ease of management by clicking the pencil icon next to the store. This will not change the name of the store on Amazon, it will only change the name displayed in the Ad Badger Software2. In addition, you can connect the Seller-API from this screen as well to start populating the "Product Ad Data" screen to enable viewing of Total ACoS and Hourly Data on your account.
3. Lastly, on the "All Stores" screen you can see the date the marketplace was connected and the number of marketplaces connected from the account.

Why can’t I add my marketplace or account on Ad Badger?

If you are having some issues adding your marketplace or account on Ad Badger, watch this video to learn more.


If you have any additional questions, contact us at