We are excited to introduce the enhanced Product Performance Dashboard (PPD) with a powerful new tool exclusively designed for our sellers. Please note that if you are a vendor, you may encounter a "Product Performance Unavailable" error message as the PPD is tailored for sellers.

Important Notes:

To access the PPD, sellers must have connected their selling partner token. If you encounter an error message, ensure your token is correctly linked. 

Dashboard Overview:

In this latest update, we've introduced a brand-new feature called "Hourly Data," alongside the existing Ad Data table and Total ACOS table. Here's a closer look at what you can do with this enhanced PPD:

Hourly Data:

The "Hourly Data" feature allows you to choose a date range, but please note that, initially, it will only have data from the second week of September. While Total ACOS and Ad Data offer insights over 365 days, Hourly Data is focused on more recent data.


Upon entering the Hourly Data dashboard, you'll be presented with a heat map and a detailed table showcasing hourly sales and units for your favorite products. Use the buttons for sales or units to update the heatmap. Please note that there's a limit of 100 favorite products. When updating the table and heatmap, be patient, as it may take some time to load the data.

If you want to examine sales by the hour, you can easily toggle on "Data Labels" for a more detailed view. In the table, data is meticulously broken down by day and hour. You have the flexibility to sort by day (increasing or decreasing) and hour. To get insights into specific ASINs, you can limit the table and heatmap to these products. This feature is particularly useful when you have a strong-performing ASIN.

On the right-hand side of the units table, you'll find a summary of the sales and units sold, which corresponds to the summary row in the table. This provides a quick snapshot of your product performance.

We hope this detailed guide helps you make the most of our enhanced Product Performance Dashboard. Should you encounter any issues or have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.